Events: Selected recent and forthcoming
Public Lecture, Rotman Institute of Philosophy Western University, London, Canada, March 2016
Public Lecture, Santa Fe Institute Santa Fe, October 2015
The Alan Saunders Memorial Lecture 2015 Australasian Association of Philosophy, July 2015
Keynote Speaker, 2015 Annual Congress of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) Brisbane, May 2015
Speaker, Women in Astronomy Workshop Canberra, August 2014
Speaker, 'The Mind and Its Potential' Conference Sydney, November 2013
Main Speaker, The Norwegian Non-Fiction Book Festival Oslo, October 2013
Speaker, 'Sex, Gender and the Brain: A Multidisciplinary Dialogue Bergen, October 2013
General Lecture, University of Leuven Leuven, September 2013
Speaker, 'Women in Science' Session 2013 European Molecular Biology Organization Meeting Amsterdam, September 2013
Speaker, 'Endocrinology and Society' Lecture 2013 Endocrine Society of Australia Seminar Meeting Sunshine Coast, April 2013
'Author Meets Critics' 2013 Central American Philosophical Association meeting New Orleans, February 2013
Visiting Speaker, Mind & Perception Workshop Series Rice University Houston, February 2013
Speaker, 'He Said, She Said' School of Life Melbourne 8 February 2013
Psychology Colloquium Speaker University of Melbourne Melbourne, 2 October 2012
Philosophy Seminar Speaker Monash UniversityMelbourne, 21 September 2012
Keynote Speaker 7th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education Bergen, Norway, August 2012
Keynote Speaker Neurocultures - NeuroGenderings II University of Vienna, September 2012
Presidential Invited Address 120th American Psychological Association Convention, Society for the Psychology of Women Orlando, Florida, August 2012
Gender and Cultural Studies Seminar speaker University of Sydney Sydney, 21 October 2011
Dissecting Gender Panel discussion with Jane McCredie, Rob Brooks and Monica Dux. Melbourne Writers' Festival, ACMI 28 August 2011
Brisbane Self and Identity Symposium speaker University of Queensland Brisbane, June 2011
2011 National Labor Women's Conference speaker Parliament House Brisbane, May 2011. Other scheduled speakers include Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Queensland Premier Anna Bligh and Dr Anne Summers
Psychology Colloquium speaker University of Sydney Sydney, 13 May 2011
Marxism 2011: Ideas to challenge the system Panel discussion University of Melbourne, 23 April 2011
Psychology Colloquium speaker Swinburne University Melbourne, 9 March 2011
Feminist Research Institute, University of New Mexico Guest Lecture Albuquerque, NM, 20 January 2011
Deloitte event Panel speaker Melbourne, 17 November 2010
Gender & Biology, Socialist Alternative event Talk and panel discussion Trades Hall, Carlton, 11 November 2010
Ethically Speaking Series 2010 Panelist Wheeler Centre, Melbourne, 26 October 2010
Festival of Dangerous Ideas 2010 Festival Speaker Sydney Opera House, 2-3 October 2010
NeuroGenderings: Critical Studies of the Sexed Brain Keynote Speaker University of Uppsala, Sweden, 25-27 March 2010
Growing up fast and furious: reviewing the effects of violent and sexualised media on children Conference speaker Young Media Australia / Macquarie University, Sydney, 19 March 2010
Deloitte forum Speaker Melbourne, 10 February 2010
La Ciudad de las Ideas 2009 Festival Speaker Puebla, Mexico, 6-8 November 2009 Other festival speakers include Julian Baggini, Philip Zimbardo, Daniel Dennett, Dan Ariely, Barry Schwartz, Carol Tavris, Nassim Taleb.
Society for Applied Research in Memory
& Cognition (SARMAC) Keynote Speaker Kyoto, 26-30 July 2009
Australian National University Invited Seminar Canberra, 12 November 2008
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Invited Conference
Speaker Melbourne, 6 August 2008
Critical Neuroscience Conference Invited Speaker McGill University, Montreal, 15-16 July 2008
New Zealand International Science Festival (NZISF) Keynote Speaker Dunedin, 5-13 July 2008
Association for Women In Science (AWIS) Plenary Conference
Speaker Christchurch, 2-4 July 2008
University of Canterbury Invited Speaker Christchurch, 3 July 2008
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Plenary
Speaker Melbourne, 18 March 2008
Moral Cognition and Meta-Ethics Conference Invited Speaker Sydney, September 2007 |
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